Ken installing another AntPro bait station.
AntPro - Environment Safe Ant Control
Ken installing another AntPro bait station.
  Eliminates the Entire Ant Colony Not Just the Foraging Ants  

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The KM AntPro System meets Governmental Standards

The KM AntPro Bait Dispensing System and Gourmet Liquid Ant Bait have been approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for both agricultural and non-agricultural use. Also, our environment friendly combination is United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) certified National Organic Product (NOP) organic food crop compliant, and are available to solve ant and related aphid, mealy bug, scale, psyllid and other homoptera control problems for all fruit and nut growers.

The KM AntPro System is Endorsed by Scientific Community

The KM AntPro System with Gourmet Liquid Ant Bait has been tested and endorsed by the University of California Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program and is now being recommended to the California Master Gardeners and the general public.

UC –Davis website video: “Refillable bait stations” (Click here to view video).

The KM AntPro System Solves Growers' Ant Control Problems

“Ant Pro Works!” states Rich Hart, President of Rainbow Valley Orchards, “The bait station formula combination, that KM AntPro has perfected, gives our company the answer to what was an annual infestation of major proportion.”

To quote Matt Witman from Witman Ranch in Escondido California, “Your bait and bait stations have been the answer for us in our organic orange groves. This is a good system that will ultimately save us money and solve our ongoing ant problem.”

Bruce Rucker, owner of Rucker Homestead of Palm Desert, and who is well know for his Flame variety table grapes, raves about the AntPro System and how in one season “eliminated his gray ant infestation and allowed the beneficial insects to feast on the mealy bugs that had been causing very costly crop loss and crop damage”

The KM AntPro System has World-Wide Application

Christmas Island, Indian Ocean

Helping conservationists to control yellow crazy ants that are upsetting the ecological balance on Australian governed Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean

KM AntPro Christmas Island

Caged AntPro Dispenser on Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean

Maldives Archipelago, Indian Ocean

Eliminating Argentine ants, yellow crazy ants and other invasive ants that have invaded the resort islands in the Maldives Archipelago in the Indian Ocean.

Maldives Archipelago in Indian Ocean

The Maldives Archipelago in Indian Ocean

Angsana Velavaru AntPro Placement

Green dots show planned deployment of AntPro dispensers on Angsana Velavaru Atoll.

Description by Edward K. Emonde of Mombasa Pvt LTD (Maldives) of conditions on one of the many Maldives resort islands prior to the AntPro System installation.

Condition Before AntPro Deployment

Edward’s reporting of results after the first 30 days of AntPro’s installation.

Condition After AntPro Deployment

Perth Zoo, Perth, Australia

Quoting from the Perth Zoo Mission Statement: "The role and purpose of zoos have changed enormously in recent decades." "As a modern zoo, Perth Zoo aims to provide visitors with the opportunity to encounter the natural world and to become involved in conservation action."

Initially, AntPro System was deployed at the Perth Zoo by researchers from the Western Australian Department of Agriculture to protect the endangered Numbats from Argentine ants killing their young. Recently, AntPro’s employment has been increased to protect additional residents of the Zoo.


Numbat, Perth Zoo, Perth Australia

Other Interesting AntPro Applications

Sumerville Park, Sumerville, Texas

US Army Corps of Engineers utilizing KM AntPro System to protect thousand of campers from invasion by Argentine ants and imported fire ants.


Dispenser placement to avoid interference by feral hogs. Somerville Park, Somerville, Texas

University of California Berkeley Campus, Berkeley, California

University of California Berkeley uses KM AntPro System to protect on-campus student and staff residents from harrassment by Argentine ants.


Dispenser bolted to concrete slab as deterrent to interference. UC Berkeley Campus

Isle Royale National Park, Houghton, Michigan

Greg Blust, Supervisory Park Ranger at Isle Royale National Park, Michigan (located on Lake Superior), writes that KM AntPro System meets the noninvasive, organic methods only, pest control criteria of a Federally Designated Wilderness area, and our system is allowing them to eradicate the carpenter ants that have been threatening the cultural structures of the park. One such success is rescuing and permitting restoration of the Dassier Cabin, ca. 1905, that serves as the home of the Park’s Artist-in-Residence Program, where four or five artists a year reside for two to three week residences. Click here, to read Greg’s complete letter

Isle Royale Aerial

Isle Royale National Park, Houghton, Michigan

Isle Royale Cabin

Dassier Cabin - Isle Royale National Park, Houghton, Michigan


Scientific Studies Validate Use of 1.0% Boric Acid Liquid Bait

The IPM Practitioner Monitoring the Field of Pest Management Volume XVIII, Number 8, August 1996 “New Approach to boric Acid Ant Bait” by John H. Klotz and Dave F. Williams

“Colonies of the Florida carpenter ant exposed to a 1% boric acid bait were eliminated within one month.” “All colonies of ghost, Argentine and Pharaoh ants continuously exposed to the 1% boric acid bait were completely eliminated.”

To read total study link to "“New Approach to boric Acid Ant Bait”",

Florida Entomologist 89(4), December 2006 "Liquid Borate Bait for Control of the Argentine Ant, Linepithema Humile, in Organic Citrus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)" by Les Greenberg, John H. Klotz AND Michael K. Rust Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA

“A liquid bait delivery system containing borate was evaluated for controlling the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Mayr), in an organic citrus orchard. Two concentrations of disodium octaborate tetrahydrate (1% and 0.5%) were tested in 500-mL capacity bait stations placed at the base of trees. Both concentrations significantly reduced ant activity over the 11-wk duration of the test when compared with controls. However, the 1% concentration of borate significantly reduced ant activity up to 76 m away from the treatment, whereas the 0.5% did not. Compared to ant control with contact insecticides, the bait delivery system uses less insecticide and is more target-specific, reducing environmental contamination.”

(Note: Table 1 shows reduction after nine weeks of 86% for 0.5% DSOBTH and 92% for 1.0% DSOBTH)

To read total study link to "“Liquid Borate Bait for Control of the Argentine Ant”",

"1.5% Boric Acid Solution as an Eyewash"

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia “Boric Acid - Medicinal”

“It can be used as an antiseptic for minor burns or cuts and is sometimes used in dressings or salves or is applied in a very dilute solution as an eye wash in a 1.5% solution or 1 tbsp (15 ml) per quart (very close to a liter) of sterilised water.”

To read total study, link to "“Boric Acid --- as an eye wash in a 1.5% solution”",

Leader in Biological Insect Control

Cornell University "A Guide to Natural Enemies in North America"

Cornell University is a leading advocate for environment friendly insect control with its website Biological Control: A Guide to Natural Enemies in North America, that describes a broad range of pathogens for use in the bio-friendly control of insects.

To access their 'Guide', link to "biological control:guide to natural enemies in North America",

Of particular interest is Cornell University's coverage of fungi as the pathogen.

“Some insect species, including many pests, are particularly susceptible to infection by naturally occurring, insect-pathogenic fungi. These fungi are very specific to insects, often to particular species, and do not infect animals or plants.” “Fungi have considerable epizootic potential and can spread quickly through an insect population and cause its collapse."

To access this website, link t "Biological control with fungi as the pathogen",

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P.O. Box 967, Nokomis, FL 34275
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