Ant Bait Station Placement (Back)
One of the first considerations when utilizing the AntPro System
is where to locate the dispensers and how many are required to do the job.
Whether you are eliminating insects entering a home or office complex;
invading a lawn or garden area; or infesting agricultural acreage, there
are reliable guidelines to follow for successful pest elimination.
Its important to remember that only a select group of ant workers from
most ant colonies are charged with the responsibility of providing food
for its members. They perform this task by initially foraging at random.
Only after the ants have found an attractive food source, do the ants mark
and create positive pheromone trails, chemically marked highways, from the
food source home to their colony. This means that using unnecessary
dispensers represents wasted resources, and having a well-planned
placement strategy matters most.
- Around home and other structures:
- Install at least one AntPro ant bait station on each side of the
structure, giving consideration to size, and the number of different
connecting walls. For a small house or building consisting of
approximately 1500 sq. ft., place one unit at each side. The following
are additional AntPro dispenser placement considerations:
- Key areas are by acute angles where insects converge from more
than one direction to a common corner.
- Place a unit, when possible, by the A/C condenser water overflow
outlet. Water is always a primary insect attractant.
- North-side of structures with predominate shade and moisture.
- Where ants are seen trailing.
- Most important, do not put bait stations directly over ant
nests; place dispensers when possible at least 5 ft away from nest;
do not disturb ant nests; and do not spray the area around them with
- Avoid locations where substantial water run-off will occur.
- Guideline for unit placement around buildings. The following
averaged measurement are for potential invasion ares (ground floor,
0 - 1,900 square
feet, use 4 to 6* units.
- 1,900 - 2,999 square feet, use 6 to 8* units.
- 2,999 - 5,000+ square feet, use 8 to 12*units.
* Exotic invasive ants, including
white-footed ants, big-headed ants, Argentine ants, Caribbean crazy
ants, long-legged ants and yelow crazy ants.
- Lawn, garden and balance of property:
- For full property protection, place additional AntPro dispensers
spaced around perimeter of property. Depending on the ant species,
each AntPro dispenser covers an area with a radius between 30 feet
(radius of 60 feet for Argentine ants and white-footed ants). Locate
units where ants are most active, and preferably, in shrub or tree
belts so as not to interfere with lawn maintenance. Deploy dispensers
in shade, avoid locations with full sun exposure, and where
substantial water run-off will occur. Note: If a dispenser is
submerged due to unusually heavy rain, allow the water to recede. It
will not lose its bait content and foraging insects will reactivate
- Baiting strategy:
- AntPro provides ants and other targeted insects with long-term,
continuous, access to food. Initially, if you have a large infestation
of ants, they will consume the bait at a faster rate until their
population is reduced and the colony destroyed. Keep in mind, when
these populations are destroyed, other ants will eventually move into
the uninhabited area. Once the colony is eliminated, keep the AntPro
dispensers activated and in place as sentinels to prevent
- If you have a paricularly difficult ant problem, first attempt to
identify the ants and learn more about them. With most ant species,
you will find that simply following our installation and placement
instructions will resolve the problem. There are some non-indigenous
and highly invasive ants species that are creating serious environment
and economics problems in areas of the United States and worldwide.
- Agricultural Acreage:
- The number of ant bait stations required per acre depends on the
targeted species (Argentine Ant, White-footed Ant, etc.); the degree of
infestation; and the kind of acreage involved and whether it is a
contiguous or non-contiguous area.
- KM AntPro is currently participating in research projects with the
Department of Entomology at the University of California, and directly
with nurseries, farms, and ranches, to develop cost effective and
pesticide free strategies for the protection of livestock and crops.
For additional assistance, phone Ken at (941) 445-4252 or send him
questions using our Contact
Mail-Form. Having an actual planning discussion will facilitate the
best deployment and system results. Please provide a phone number
including the area code, when possible. Ken will respond to your inquiry
as promptly as possible. (We respect your privacy: names, addresses,
phone numbers are kept confidential.)